So let me guess, you’re thinking about setting up a branding photoshoot or you’ve already scheduled it…..but now you’re asking you’re self…..”How do I prepare for my branding photoshoot?!!!”
I have worked with dozens of business owners, so you’re in the right place!
Let’s first chat about WHY a branding photoshoot is such a big benefit to your business!
As a business owner, what draws people to you and your business, isn’t what you’re offering (because there are a million other people offering it too!) – it’s how you’re serving it, and your VISUALS are what communicate how you’re serving it differently.
Visuals aren’t just about cosmetics, they’re a FUNDAMENTAL business tool. You need to have enough content to show up consistently, and a vibe that communicates your personality to capture your client’s attention.
Branding photos help you show up consistently in all areas of marketing from showing up consistently on social media channels, creating marketing assets for your business, and having professional images on your website.
Remember you are the heart and soul of the business, showing people the face behind the business helps create connections and connections lead to conversions and sales.
Here are a few of my favorite tips that I share with my clients to help them prepare for their branding photoshoots. Before we get started if you’re looking to schedule your next branding photoshoot Click HERE to connect with me!
What to Wear
It’s important to remember that it’s not just about the physical pieces of clothing you pick out, but what vibe you want to be captured. Because what you wear says a lot about you and who you are. Therefore, we need to make sure it’s on point with you and your brand.
Consider wearing pieces that go with your brand’s color palette, don’t be afraid to add a little pop of color. Take a good look at where you will be doing your branding photoshoot and think about the color palette of the backgounds you will want to use when creating your outfits.
Here are 6 styles I like to capture during my client branding photoshoots:
✨Your Go-To Look: I like to tell my clients to start off the shoot with their go-to look. Because chances are it’s what you feel comfortable in. What would you wear out to lunch with your girls? Or what do you throw on to go get coffee? You’re casual but you’re confident.
✨The Graphic Tee: Your favorite graphic tee shows off your personality and makes a statement. Despite what you might be thinking, a graphic tee can still make you look professional.
✨Like a Boss: This is your CEO look: your girlboss MOMENT! What would you wear to a meeting with investors? Or to the next Create & Cultivate conference?
✨Elevated You: Your dress-up moment. Is there a dress in your closet that is UH-MAZ-ING, but you never get to wear it? This is your chance. An elevated look will impress your audience, but still stay true to you.
✨Keep is Casual: Let’s be REAL, you’re not working from home in your boss look. You’re wearing leggings and a t-shirt. So EMBRACE that, because personal branding shoots are supposed to be personal.
✨Go with the Flow: Flowy pieces translate to FUN. So if fun, joyful energy is something you’re wanting to bring to your photo gallery..consider bringing a piece you can twirl around in!
IMPORTANT! Don’t forget to try on your outfits ahead of time so that you know you FEEL good wearing them.

Acessories & Props
What do you use frequently in your business?! How do you want to visually incorporate that into your branding photos? Do you need to create promotional photos for your business?
→ Here are some examples:
If you work from home: Your laptop, whiteboard, ring light
If you’re a photographer: Your laptop, camera and camera equipment and accessories
If you own a brick and mortar business: Bring products from your business to incorporate into you photoshoot
If you have a podcast: Your podcast equipment (your mic & laptop)
If you’re a realtor: Bring one of your realtor signs or things that you use working with clients Do you help measure spaces when showing a client a home? Bring a measuring tape.
Other fun accessories and props: Notebooks, planners, champagne (we all love to pop a celebratory bottle of champagne!!! 🍾🥂), different hats, office supplies, outfit accessories (necklaces, earrings, glasses), and coffee mugs.

Bring Your Team or a Friend
Showing your team and how you work together is a great way to capture branding photoshoot images to use in a variety of ways in your business. Are you a solopreneur but want to showcase the connections you have with clients? You can bring a friend to help create images of the way you support and create connections with your clients.

Remember to Have FUN!
This is a perfect time and opportunity to let your personality shine through! Don’t be afraid to have a little fun with some of the poses that you try during your branding photoshoot!
Get Inspiration Ahead of Time
Do you use Pinterest? Creating an inspiration board on Pinterest is a great way to plan ahead of time for different poses you want to recreate and gather general inspiration. You can share your inspiration with your photographer ahead of time so they know what you have in mind ahead of your branding photoshoot.
I have a TON of branding photoshoot inspiration on my Pinterest page! Feel free to click HERE or click on below to follow my Pinterest to gather some inspiration or connect with me over on Instagram!
Check out some of my other branding photoshoot blog posts: Making Her Mark: Kaela – Sleep Consultant, Making Her Mark: Jess Cromwell – Real Estate Agent, 3 Styling Tips for Your Branding Photoshoot
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