Are you struggling with writing your wedding vows or aren’t really sure where to even start with your vows?
First of all, this is totally normal & a very common stressor when it comes to planning your wedding. Your wedding vows hold a lot of power and are very special, it is something you want to make sure you prepare and have ready for your big day.
So, I wanted to give you my best tips to help you prepare, plan and write your wedding vows without all the stress and wondering what the heck you should even write. There is already a lot of stress that comes when planning a wedding, the last thing we want to do is add more stress with writing your vows.
Without any further ado, here are my best tips for you when writing your wedding vows…

1. Don’t Procrastinate Writing Your Vows, The Earlier You Start Writing The Better
The more you push off writing your vows, the worse it’s gonna be. You’ll be more stressed, you’ll get writer’s block, things will feel forced and inspiration will be harder to find because you’ll feel more rushed.
So, the earlier you get on writing your vows the better. Whether that’s taking a moment if inspiration hits & you write down a few things, ideas, sentences, memories, promises, goals. Those few inspirational moments that you take advantage of writing down can be SO extremely helpful when actually creating the final version of your vows. Or even if you just create the structure or the flow of your vows, that can help strike inspirational moments moving forward (more on that with the next tip).
Just start earlier, rather than later, you’ll thank me for it.
2. Create A Flow, Outline Or Structure
Vows are very similar to a story. They have a beginning, middle an end, an opening & closing line and things that they need to be included to be considered “Vows”. So, when you create more of an ‘outline’ for sort of how you want your vows to flow, things you want to say, maybe stories you want to share, this can help out your vow writing process TREMENDOUSLY. When we have that sort of structure, that actually helps create a flow of inspiration in our minds because we are focused more than what we would be without it. This will also help with writing your final vows because you will already know the basic outline of it, so this saves you so much time, stress & effort.

3. Make A List Of Promises, These Are What You Are Vowing
This is probably the most important part, the actual VOW part. But sometimes can be overlooked, no judgment if it is, again planning a wedding is so so stressful. Here is your friendly reminder to write out what you are promising to your partner. These are promises you are vowing to stick to, forever, so make sure they are meaningful and something you can truly do. Such as, “I vow to always support you” “I vow to always cherish the love we have for each other” maybe not things like ‘I vow to make sure I don’t leave my makeup out or forget to turn off the lights’ or things like that, unless it’s of course a silly joke or whatever, because we are all human and we forget to turn off the lights sometimes, haha.
4. What Does Love Look Like, Feel Like, What Is Real Love To You?
This is a really good prompt & question to ask yourself when writing your vows because you can break down exactly what love looks like to you. Whether that’s just sipping coffee feeling the fall breeze on the porch together or having nightly check-ins talking about your day together to make sure you are connecting every day. What does love feel like to you? Is it light & airy, is it full & comforting, is it soft & warm. Think about how it feels & you can relate that to the love from your partner. Then also, what is real love to you, break it down, express it and then again, relate it back to the love you have with your partner.

5. Don’t Forget To Talk About Your Future Together
Talk about what you want for your future together. Where do you see yourselves together in 10, 20, 30 years? How do you want to feel about each other in the future? What do you want for yourselves in the future? What are the goals you want to reach? Really bring your future into your wedding vows because you are promising forever and this helps really tie your present with your future together. Plus, it will be super cute to look back at your vows & see what you accomplished & how you guys are feeling years down the road.
So, these are my top tips for helping you start writing your wedding vows.
Last quick tip for you, just keep in mind, this is supposed to be a declaration of love & commitment to your partner. Just speak from your heart, that is where the true love & beauty lies.
Let me know if you want more tips like this & congratulations on your wedding!
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