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If you’re reading this my guess is you’ve been ghosted by a potential client before. I know it is the worst feeling but I’m here to help you take 3 steps in your business NOW so that you can STOP getting ghosted by potential clients.

Seriously… Is there anything worse than getting ghosted by potential clients? 

👻 I swear nothing compares to the heartache of spending months generating and nurturing leads and FINALLY having that inquiry from a dream client land in your inbox (cue: an hour of happy dancing, daydreaming about your work together, and half a bottle of wine) only for them to leave you on read and never get back to you again. 

I want to reassure you that EVERYONE has experienced being ghosted by a potential client before. You’re NOT THE ONLY ONE. 

I’ve been there and done that….so let me help you out with these three tips to implement NOW to help you move forward. Consider me your personal Ghostbuster from here on out.

The good news is, the issue probably ISN’T your offer since they reached out in the first place, it’s just HOW you’re pitching it. So let’s talk about three things to evaluate in your business to make sure that you are providing top-notch service!

Let’s take a step back for a second, and position yourself in THEIR shoes: 

Is your client experience top-notch?

This first step is honestly one of the most important steps. Taking the time to make sure you are set up to provide a top-notch and white-glove client experience can help you on an EXTREME level with future income potential.

I know that sometimes we get so busy working on our business providing our clients our services, that we don’t always take a step back to make sure we’re improving our client experiences. This STOPS today. As soon as you’re done reading this, I want you to make sure you schedule a CEO day for yourself to implement these three tips for your business. 

Your CRM (Client Relationship Management) system needs to be professional and match the standard of your product because it’s a package deal where your clients are looking for an overall experience. Your customer journey can be a reflection of the value your customer will receive working with you. 

Be honest with yourself, are you showing them value? Are you providing a customer journey that will make them want to jump on the chance to hit “pay” on your invoice?! 

Did you send them your price right away before hopping on a call?

This is the WORST mistake because building a REAL connection face to face or over the phone is the only way to set yourself apart and communicate the passion and value that will make them hire you. 

Make sure you walk your clients through how you are going to make their special day or business branding session the best experience that they could ever imagine. 

Did you switch too quickly into sales mode?

Not only does this make potential clients think you’re desperate, they’ll second guess working with you if you ‘drop the act’ and the previous personal connection goes out the window because it makes you seem disingenuous. 

Your sales pitch needs to be serving these clients more than what they’re looking for. 

If you aren’t inside their brain, you need to dig deeper to show them that their investment is what they need, right now! Consider adding a bonus with an expiration date so they’ll JUMP at making that investment ASAP.

Make sure to save this post to your Pinterest. Are we connected? Connect with me on the gram!!! Let’s chat about working together to get your brand ON POINT and irresistible to your DREAM CLIENTS – I may not be Bill Murray but I can help you banish those ghosts for GOOD! 💪 

Looking for more ways to uplevel your photography business? You’ll want to read this next- 3 Tips to get booked out without feeling BURNT out as a photographer

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