I understand how it feels to hate your body, I have been there & I want to let you know that you aren’t alone in feeling that but I am also here to remind you that you are a QUEEN and your body is BEAUTIFUL!
It’s absolutely okay if you don’t feel like it, we ALL have struggled at some point with not even loving our body but getting to a point of even accepting what our body looks like without hating it.

One of my favorite transformations is seeing women’s confidence levels BOOMING after a boudoir shoot. Sometimes it’s a trust the process moment, but I promise we can get you there!
One misconception is that you need to lose weight, or have a certain figure before booking your boudoir shoot. THAT IS NOT THE CASE! You just need to be you!

If you’re needing a little confidence boost to love your body, here are some tips to help you start creating a better relationship with yourself and your body…
DON’T COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS! Everyone is on their own journey with their confidence and loving their body! You don’t know what other people are battling behind the scenes, we all have our own insecurities and comparing yourself to others just makes us get into our heads more than we need to. EVERY-BODY is beautiful and it is time for you to own that.

CELEBRATE your body! This can be something as sitting in front of the mirror & saying one nice thing about your body. Or it is doing the big body love celebration and booking a boudoir session. When you do that you just have to show up as you and have fun doing it! That is what is perfect and that is what makes this experience that much more special.
Whether or not you are doing a boudoir session, try to take the time each day to remind yourself that your body is unique, it’s beautiful, and is a part of what makes you the GODDESS that you are!

Fuel the love for yourself and your body with a boudoir session, I promise that you’ll be loving the effortless confidence you feel during and after your session!
It’s a magical, luxurious experience you will never forget.
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